Privacy Policy

Effective Date: November 21, 2023

Here at Construction Lilja C.O.R.P., we share your concerns regarding the privacy and safeguarding of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines the actions we’ve taken and our procedures in place to protect your Personal Information (as defined below).

This Privacy Policy pertains to Construction Lilja C.O.R.P. (collectively referred to as “Construction Lilja” or “our,” “we,” or “us”). The contents of this Privacy Policy are designed to be comprehended and adhered to in alignment with all pertinent privacy laws, statutes, and regulations within the regions where Construction Lilja operates.

If you haven’t already, we encourage you to acquaint yourself with this Privacy Policy before utilizing the Construction Lilja website. The intention of this Privacy Policy is to educate our visitors, guests, job applicants, customers, and other individuals we interact with (“you” and “your”) about how we amass, use, share, and safeguard Personal Information. This Privacy Policy applies to the compilation, utilization, sharing, and protection of your Personal Information by Construction Lilja.

Defining Personal Information

Personal Information encompasses details about an identifiable person, including but not confined to data like your name, address, birth date, and personal contact specifics, as well as other details described below. It may also encompass other forms of technical data such as IP addresses, geolocation, device ID, or browsing history tied to our Website, yet solely when such data can single you out as an individual. Information that’s aggregated and can’t be linked to an identifiable person isn’t regarded as Personal Information.

Construction Lilja has the potential to amass the ensuing Personal Information that you directly offer to us:

  • Contact Details that you might extend through telephone, email, SMS, social media, or any other electronic avenue of communication (such as name, home address, home or mobile phone number, or email address);
  • Preferences and other Personal Information disclosed by you via our Website;

Automatically Collected Personal Information

In select instances, we have the potential to automatically accumulate information, which may not inherently pinpoint you as an individual.

  • Technical Data. Internet browsing’s inherent nature passively and autonomously gathers and discloses specific details about an individual’s internet usage. This data might be linked with an individual’s Internet Protocol (“IP”) address. This distinctive internet “identifier” is assigned to all internet users by their Internet Service Provider (“ISP”). Our server logs document statistical insights, encompassing visitors’ IP addresses, operating system types, visit timeframes and durations, requested webpages, along with categorizing visitors based on identifiers like domains and browser types.
  • Our Website employs both “sessional” and “persistent” cookies or similar technologies. Web servers provide small text files to your computer to monitor browser configurations while navigating the site. Persistent cookies reside on your hard drive, whereas sessional cookies are stored in temporary (cache) memory and are eradicated upon browser closure or system shutdown. We utilize these cookies or akin technologies to store preferences, record session particulars such as language preferences, note user-specific data on accessed pages, cultivate insights into preferences and interests, alert you to potentially engaging areas upon your return, record past activities to enhance future service, regulate banner ad rotation to prevent repetitive displays, and tailor content grounded on browser type or other particulars you provide. For every visit to our Website, our server might leverage cookies or similar technologies to recognize you if you’ve expressed a preference for automatic login. Adjusting your browser settings can disable cookies; consult your browser’s help section for guidance on disabling. Be aware that disabling cookies might limit some features of our Website’s functionality.
  • Interest-Based Advertising. Our Website additionally employs cookies and similar tools for personalized interest-based advertising intents. These tools and cookies could be installed either by us or our advertising affiliates. As you employ our Website, we amass details concerning your device, including (where applicable) your Internet, telecom, or mobile carrier, service provider, IP address, device ID, visit date and time, accessed webpage sections, and the URLs that directed you to our site. Opting out of third-party interest-based advertising may not halt these technologies from gathering data for alternative functions, like analytics. Consequently, you could still encounter internet-wide ads, albeit devoid of targeting according to your data, possibly rendering them less pertinent to your preferences. Interest-based advertising opt-outs function by preserving cookies in your browser, conveying your opt-out choice to diverse ad associates. Given that cookies are predominantly tied to specific browsers, your choice only impacts the browser where you’ve opted out. To avoid interest-based advertising, you must execute opt-outs within every browser that you prefer not to have interest-based advertising (this might encompass various devices if you employ more than one).

Utilization of Your Personal Information

We amass and employ Personal Information as authorized or necessitated by law, with your consent, or for the ensuing purposes, where relevant:

  • Communication with You. Contingent upon your right to retract consent and unsubscribe, we may use your Personal Information to engage in communication with you or on behalf of our advertising associates via various avenues, including email, SMS messages, telephone calls, social media, and other platforms. This encompasses advertising and promotional communications regarding products or services that might intrigue you. Individuals providing their phone numbers will solely receive communications from us related to products or services they have sought.
  • Operational Enhancement and Website Personalization. Information you provide us on the Website serves to comprehend guest identities and preferences, enhancing Website content, tailoring content or layout individually for each visitor based on provided data, dispatching periodic newsletters and marketing communications as requested, and processing product and service orders.
  • Deeper Understanding of Our Guests. Information you furnish aids in crafting aggregate, anonymous reports, lists, or other data generated from our analysis of your details, including Personal Information, device ID, data gathered through Website usage, and information from our business partners and third parties (“Reports”). Occasionally, we may share Reports with specific third-party associates or other third parties.
  • Job Applicants. Your Personal Information and applicant specifics might influence hiring decisions and compliance with applicable regulations. If hired, pertinent portions of your Personal Information will be employed to establish and uphold your employment records. By providing applicant data, you consent to our reaching out to employers, organizations, schools, and professional associations you’ve indicated to verify data accuracy.
  • Additional Uses: We might also employ Personal Information, where necessary, for:
    • establishing, sustaining, or fulfilling relationships with business partners, third-party vendors of products and/or services, as well as corporate and business clients;
    • discerning and evaluating customer interests, desires, and evolving needs to ameliorate our existing products and services and devise novel ones;
    • assessing job applications or resumes directed to us, as further detailed in the Job Application section of this Privacy Policy;
    • engaging in business operations, administration, and general management, to adhere to legal, regulatory, security, audit, financial, and processing requisites, or as otherwise sanctioned or mandated by law.

Sharing of Gathered Personal Information

Personal Information amassed by Construction Lilja is not divulged to external parties, except in compliance with sanctioned or mandated legal measures, with your explicit consent, or as outlined here:

  • We might transfer your Personal Information to service providers, who could be affiliated with Construction Lilja or not, whenever these entities deliver services on our behalf (e.g., administrative, managerial, operational, processing, support, marketing, or other services). As an example, we may engage such third parties to identify mutual pre-existing relations between you, us, and our marketing or advertising associates, to devise software applications, establish and uphold databases, manage communications on our behalf. We supply them with a necessary, limited quantum of information essential for them to deliver the requisite services. Their usage of this data is expressly restricted to facilitating and executing the designated services. These service providers are explicitly prohibited from utilizing this information for any purpose other than aiding and carrying out the services they’ve been tasked with. These service providers are prohibited from disclosing this data to external parties. Construction Lilja is committed to safeguarding Personal Information shared with third parties through contractual agreements.
  • Construction Lilja might also distribute Personal Information as mandated to satisfy legal, audit, regulatory, insurance, security, or analogous requisites. For example, Construction Lilja could be impelled to unveil Personal Information in response to a law, regulation, court order, subpoena, valid request, search warrant, government scrutiny, or other legitimately valid solicitation or inquiry. We might also disseminate information to our accountants, auditors, agents, and legal representatives concerning the reinforcement or safeguarding of our legal rights. We retain the prerogative to notify law enforcement agencies of activities that we, in good faith, genuinely believe to be illicit or to law enforcement in emergency situations or where necessitated or sanctioned by law.

Safeguarding Access and Consent

All individuals affiliated with Construction Lilja, such as employees, agents, contractors, service providers, partners, and representatives, who have access to your Personal Information are obligated to uphold information protection in alignment with this and any additional policies and procedures currently in effect.

Your Consent

Your consent for the gathering, utilization, and sharing of Personal Information can be conveyed in diverse manners. Consent may be explicit (e.g., verbally, electronically, or through a form you may endorse outlining the proposed purposes and sharing of Personal Information) or implicit (e.g., when you provide data required for a service you’ve requested, or in certain circumstances when notice has been provided regarding our intentions regarding your Personal Information and you haven’t withdrawn your consent for an explicit purpose, like using an “opt-out” alternative, as per applicable laws). Consent may also be granted by your authorized representative (such as a legal guardian, power of attorney holder, or mandatary). By furnishing us with Personal Information, it will be presumed that you comprehend this Privacy Policy and that you consent to our collection, usage, and sharing of such Personal Information for the stated or outlined objectives in this Privacy Policy, if relevant, or as otherwise stipulated at the time of collection.

Right to Withdraw Consent and Unsubscribe

You retain the prerogative to withdraw your consent for our collection, usage, and sharing of Personal Information at any time, accounting for contractual and legal limitations and reasonable advance notice. It’s worth noting that if you retract your consent for particular uses of your Personal Information, we may no longer be able to provide specific products or services. Opting out of commercial emails and SMS messages from us is voluntary, and you can unsubscribe at any time by reaching out to us as specified in the “How to Contact Us” segment of this Privacy Policy.

Information Security

We strive to shield your Personal Information through suitable and proportional physical, electronic, or procedural security measures, tailored to the sensitivity of the information under our care or jurisdiction. These measures include safeguards against loss, theft, unauthorized access, sharing, duplication, utilization, or alteration of Personal Information. Construction Lilja, along with its personnel, agents, contractors, legal or accounting service providers, partners, representatives, and mandataries requiring access to your Personal Information for job-related obligations, will possess access to your Personal Information. You transmit or furnish all Personal Information solely at your own risk.

Transfer of Personal Information outside your Province and Country of Residence

Certain scenarios might lead to the transfer of your Personal Information to jurisdictions outside your country of residence. As a consequence, you understand that your Personal Information will be subject to regulations in jurisdictions differing from your country of residence, and it might be accessible without notice to you by foreign government authorities under legal mandates and statutes applicable in those jurisdictions. Irrespective of the entity or individual processing your information and the location of processing, we will take measures to safeguard your Personal Information in compliance with relevant data protection regulations and this Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policies of Third Parties and External Links

The Website might include links to numerous third-party websites not owned or controlled by Construction Lilja. This Privacy Policy does not extend to such websites or the handling of data by those websites. Should you decide to visit external websites or webpages outside the Website, you do so entirely at your own discretion and risk. External links to third-party websites or webpages accessed through our Website, as well as the content presented on those third-party websites or webpages, are neither endorsed, verified, nor monitored by Construction Lilja. These links are provided merely for your convenience and that of other Website visitors, without implying our endorsement or suggestion of those websites or webpages. We disclaim any liability, obligation, or responsibility whatsoever for the content or usage of such third-party websites or webpages. We recommend acquainting yourself with the privacy policies provided by all third parties prior to sharing information with them or availing any offer or promotion.

Policy Amendments

This Privacy Policy may be revised periodically at the discretion of Construction Lilja, when deemed necessary or appropriate. Any changes to this privacy policy will be published on our Website, and in cases of significant changes, we will offer a more prominent notification. You will retain the ability to opt out of new non-essential uses or disclosures. If you have concerns about the utilization of your Personal Information, we advise you to bookmark this site and review our Privacy Policy periodically or contact us as described below to acquire a current copy of our Privacy Policy.

Access and Rectification

Construction Lilja values your right to access and rectify your Personal Information. Furthermore, Construction Lilja adheres to all regulations regarding access and rectification. If you need to update your Personal Information, please contact us using the contact details provided in the “How to Contact Us” section below. Clearly specify the Personal Information you wish to review or modify. We will respond to your request as promptly as possible.

How to Contact Us

Should you desire to opt out of any utilization of your Personal Information as described in this Privacy Policy, or if you possess inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy or our protocols regarding Personal Information, or if you wish to access or rectify your Personal Information, kindly inform us via: